Bombay Star Gin. 1 L
Bombay Star Gin. 1 L
Bombay Sapphire Gin is the world's number one premium gin known for its distinctive blue bottle. The finest hand-selected botanicals from around the world are gently vapor infused and never boiled, to capture their bright, vibrant flavors. Ten all-natural, sustainably sourced exotic botanicals from the Cubeb Berries from Java to the spice of West African Grains of Paradise, play a role in creating a perfectly balanced, bright, fresh, clean flavor. At 47% alcohol by volume, this Bombay Gin is versatile and perfect for cocktail creativity.
Create sophisticated alcohol drinks including a Bombay Mule, Red Snapper, Bombay Spritz and classic Gin and Tonic, or serve this hard liquor along with seafood platters, cheeses and fruits to elevate the experience. Bombay Gin provides the perfect canvas for any cocktail including vodka liquor cocktails. Enjoy Bombay Responsibly.
WARNING: Drinking distilled spirits, beer, coolers, wine and other alcoholic beverages may increase cancer risk, and, during pregnancy, can cause birth defects.
Taste description
Taste description
Balanced, citrus, spice
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